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Bug Report: Car profile randomly gets stuck on Guest

New Driver

Ever since my 2022 MME updated to Powerup sporadically, when I start the vehicle, the profile will be set to guest, and the profile cannot be changed. Usually the car will immediately select my profile based on the PAAK. When this happens none of the saved profiles can be selected.

I noticed the seat and mirrors will still move into the correct position for the selected profile using the buttons on the door, but the radio presets and driving mode will not switch out of guest.

This happens sporadically on car start, with no discernible pattern. Soft resetting SYNC will temporarily fix the issue, but it will happen again randomly after a number of driving cycles.

This is a serious problem because the unexpected drive mode could cause a fender bender or worse when only some profiles use 1-pedal mode which may not match the guest profile.


I am not sure if this is the best place to report this issue, please let me know if there is a better place to report this issue. 





Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Cal-e, I've sent you a message directly to reply to. 

Community Moderator


Thank you for raising this concern.  We have not started deployment of a Ford Power Up in Europe by OTA.  Can you advise Ikenna by private message of your VIN along with details of how both your vehicles were updated (which software, where and when) please.  Many thanks.

I will send my VIN to Ikenna.


In the meantime, I am in Canada, and received the updates Over the Air:


Oct 17

Oct 20  3.5.4

Nov 3 22-PU0603-DC-CHG

Nov 8 Customer Satisfaction 21B36

Nov 10  3.6.1


Thanks for looking into this!