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Securialert missing from vehicle tab (uk)

Learner Driver

Hi, I’ve read a post about this subject but the answer was only that Securialert was taken away from the US, not the UK and Europe.

My sons Focus 19my has it but my Focus 21my doesn’t. Both cars purchased in the last month and Ford Pass loaded to IPhone 11s. 
Please can you comment on why it’s missing on my 21my Focus? Both cars are in the UK and built in Saarlouis.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Proper1, I'm not sure about this one. Could you please get in contact with our Guides via the app? They can use your vin and check for you.

Community Moderator

Hi Ikenna, after about 24hrs the Securialert ikon came up on my 21my Focus. Now all seems to work ok.

Thanks for your offer of help.