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Mach- E FP Update 4.19.0 New Preferred Charge Settings Problem?

Skilled Driver

Hello nice to see the Team is regularly on to updating the Ford Pass App! 

However  I just noticed I’m having some issues with FP since new 4.19.0 update and starting a Home Charge. 

No matter my Preferred Charge Settings for this location are upon plugging in,  ‘Changing’ notice on bottom FP screen says Charging w/Target Charge Level’ 100% 


While Preferred setting for this location is Anytime to 90%.  



I unplugged, & re-connected  same problem. I deleted location. Unplugged waited for notice to clear, closed & restarted app, plugged in again and added ‘Location’ again once registered in Vehicle >Charging >Charge Settings>Preferred Charge Times >’MAX Charge Level’ remains 90% for Weekdays, Weekends,  Times set to Anytime.


Charging Notice however  says still states charging to 100% on bottom of screen!.  

Remains if when Stop then Resume


 I have use my Preferred Charging at Home every time in past year  without a problem until now! 

BTW I am using the Level 1 Portable Home Charger (Slow) AcBasic (~3KW, 10A). 

When I change Preferred setting on location from ‘Charge when plugged in’ to ‘Use preferred charge settings’ (‘Anytime’) 

Pop up ‘Target Charge Level’ remains saying 100% but finish time is 6 hours earlier


 It’s odd & very frustrating! 



I’m looking forward getting this working as it should!  I have never wanted my car charging to 100% at home unless its an exception for long trip! 


Thanks for any suggestions or fixes!


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @JasIII, I understand not wanting to charge to 100% each time to protect the battery. I'll see if this issue has been raised by others via the Guides and flag it. 

Thanks for raising it! I've also made a post so any issues specifically for the 4.19 update can also be put there. 

Community Moderator

Skilled Driver

Thanks just to confirm that after repeated testing,  the Use Preferred charge time setting, charging will stop 🛑 at set level less than 100%  Target charge level on status notice will still say 100%, but charge time will be less.  


However if choosing ‘charge when plugged in’ for any location. Set charge level is ignored and charge goes to 100% (note longer estimated finish time)




Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @JasIII

If you select “Charge when plugged in”, it will charge to 100% when plugged in (useful for when you're using a public charger). This is how the feature has always worked on the Mach-e.


Our suggestion is to use the “Use Preferred Charge Times” option, set a max charge level (so in your case it's 90%), and set the charge time to "Anytime". 




Community Moderator

Skilled Driver

Hello Ikenna,

Thanks for your reply.

As I mentioned and shown in pics,  My preferred settings where on ‘ANYTIME’ … but since 4.19.0  both will still show TARGET LEVEL 100% on Charging display notice.  But not telling until it actually stops charging. Previous versions did display the correct Target Level set.

What is a bigger concern now while travelling on the Continent & driving through NL, DE, DK,  none of any of public chargers show up as a LOCATION when connected. There is no-way to control the charge at all being there to Stop it manually, and  worse due to the fact that the FP APP is rarely current state. It doesn’t always easily renew or update, to show current charge, but (X) minutes ago.  Locking/ Unlock does not normally update charge level. Sometimes Remote Start & Stop does.

When connected today to Ionity through my FP App, which showed estimated time to recommended charge 80% 

But updates did not update and when I got to the car it was 89% on 100KW & I had to manually stop it at the car. 

Previously I have always been able to set Charge Level at a Public Charger.  Not since latest update 4.19.0


2) Also seems Sync4 Nav data needs an update. Many chargers are not listed, that are in FP Map data charger search. 

Also noticed new roads in Germany not updated including long term ongoing roadworks. I’m driving through fields, & getting all kinds of distracting notifications.  Seems data on FP App mapping is correct, as is google maps, & Apple Maps.


3) Google Maps used in Carplay no longer displays ‘turn by turn’ on small display above steering column.  

Any input or suggestions?