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Alexa installed, … but not connecting!

Skilled Driver

Hello @Darren & @Rob 

Just starting out a clean post on this subject. 

After the completion of the Series 3 Updates Alexa was installed and activated. However upon any request or just saying “Alexa”  Sync4A recognises it  on display, showing the Alexa icon, after 1-2 minutes  a red bar appears under the alexa display and says “I’m having trouble connecting. Please check your network connection and try again. “

So this happened when trying throughout a 4 hour drive and is normal with full Vodafone signal. Also trying all configurations. connected to Wifi 5G Data, CarPlay,  Bluetooth Audio, or nothing connected at all. On 3 occasions out of many in different situations I got a immediate answer to “What time is it? “  … but trying any further requests, even asking time again, I  get same connection issue! 

Something is not right. Can anything be done? If this can’t resolved or without buying streaming, can Alexa be disabled? 




@JasIII There are 5 or 6 separate software updates in Ford Power-Up series 3, depending on whether you have a 21MY Job 1 (6 updates) or 21MY Job 2 and 22MY (5 updates).  These are all listed in the sticky thread in chat.  Apologies for any confusion caused in the number you're expecting.


Looking at those error messages, this will need a dealer to look at it.  Looking at the date of the post, I imagine that you're already doing this.  It doesn't look to be Ford Power-Up or Alexa related on face value.  However your dealer will be able to advise.

Skilled Driver

Hey Rob,

thanks for the clarification on updates.  The completion of occurred after Alexa was installed. I haven’t had a chance to check it out more fully yet to see if Alexa connects better now. 

The error message have to do with the HVBJB VOLTAGE BATTERY JUNCTION BOX.  I left for the Netherlands immediately after it happened and had to leave the car behind because of it. I then came over as a passenger by train & renting a car. I’m back tomorrow.


The last recall for hvbjb update provided this SVS  & warning messages when contacts are heating up with failure pending, Before it happened only on failure when vehicle is bricked with welded contacts and won’t start.  In either case the repair means dropping the battery and replacing the HVBJB with an updated version.  

I’m looking forward to your success on the Series 4 OTA’s.   I hope perhaps some of the outstanding modules update can be included, and maybe even able to add a Ferry Mode button in the Alarm settings to temporarily disabled the inclination sensor until the next start.  Adding the Frunk button on Sync4 I hope is possible too.

I understand there many who have it now following updating BCM & GFM modules by FRDS and a FORSCAN entry adds the icon function to the display.  it was promised to us in Q2 22, then delayed, but nothing since. So many want to know. I understand 100’s of letters are being sent the head office demanding it.  Fingers crossed.

Best if luck 🍀