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New Driver
Status: New

There was talk in some interviews of ford execs talking about pet mode.  This or real climate remote would be great and seems the systems are in place atleast on EV’s to make this happen.  Time line?  

Experienced Driver

We really really really need a pet mode / dog mode. As also a Tesla owner, once you have this feature, it becomes a big deal. 

Community Legend

Dog mode would be great. But if we can’t get that, can we get the Vehicle Power Down Timer setting to be persistent, this would be a poor man’s Dog Mode. 

Learner Driver

Weird that there is no answer by Ford staff.
This is really important question and Dog mode is much needed feature.

That timer of climate should be more than 15mins!

Another thing would be helpful if you can change that temperature manually from the app. That automatic is not working. Today in Finland: We have summer and really warm weather. i went to grocery store and when i came back after 10 mins car was almost like a sauna and my dog were inside the car!!😡

And my car is totally new, only a few days old (2023.75).