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Experienced Driver
Status: Accepted

With the Mach-e there would seem there is not be a way to disable the inclination (tilt) sensor when you park up on a Ferry and lock the car ready for a crossing. With ferry motion the alarm will most likely go off. An option to disable the sensor  in the FordPass would great.

At present it would seem to us Mach-e owners that the only option is to leave the car unlocked.

Experienced Driver

Hi @Ikenna, thanks for the message and the follow up. Fingers crossed that an OTA update will come through soon. If the OTA update doesn’t come through before early May (ferry trip) then I’m going to put a big sign in the car window stating ‘If my alarm is going off, please ignore as this is a bug in the car software/firmware system and cannot be turned off! Please contact Ford and beg them to get it fixed 😀. Don’t try to contact me as I’m probably totally trashed in the bar and horizontal on the floor’. 😀

Status changed to: Accepted
Community Manager
Community Manager

The team have finished working on this and it will be prioritised into a future software update. 

Skilled Driver

Hmmm … Ikenna  If you look back MikeC and I were complaining about this problem of taking the Mache on Ferries in detail over a year ago. What followed were promises it would be dealt with! So I assumed it had already been with all the recent OTA updates and Rod’s hard work since then, which in series 6, I thought added more l control to the alarm sensors to deal specifically with problem.  

So has this not happened yet and only now being looked into?

This is obviously very serious to European owners who use Ferries ️ on road trips, but not something that would be picked up much in the USA. 


Experienced Driver

Hi Jasell, you may have noticed a lack of response from me on the forum, mainly due to whatever we say goes totally unnoticed or is ignored, so what is the point of posting anything. Bit like trying to get info out of a dealer where they promise to get back to you and never do. I haven’t been on a ferry for a while, but the last time on the ferry to/from France I did place a big sign in the windscreen as stated in my March 25th post. And guess what the alarm repeatedly went off!

Hi Ikenna, appreciate your efforts as you only post something based on what Ford tell you. Hopefully it is as frustrating for you as it is for us owners when Ford state they will do something and then never do. Certainly my post regarding ‘Voice Commands’ (was it really 2 years ago ish?), Ford didn’t deem safety as a concern, so I would be most surprised if they do anything about the alarm. It must be so far down on their list of priorities if on the list at all.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey @MikeC, I completely understand the frustration, especially having your alarm repeatedly go off when on a ferry. 

When it comes to communicating changes, we have to manage expectations as things can change. This issue is one the team responsible has been aware of for a long time and has been working on but things have to be prioritised.


As Rob has helpfully been keeping us all updated on his posts, the Software Update team has been working hard to get everyone in the EU caught up on Software Update versions and test these thoroughly. 

Experienced Driver

Hi @Ikenna, thanks for the reply. Having been an amateur software developer for many years, I really cannot understand why it seems to be so difficult to fix the alarm issue. When disabling the alarm the software doesn’t disable the inclination sensor, just change the code so it does.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@MikeC  thanks for coming back. This pod can give some insight as to why it's not so simple at times to do what seems simple. 

Jim Farley – The Man Behind The Lightning - Fully Charged Show


On a separate note, you were one of our first members of the Community - Thank you for the engagement and posting. 

If you have any suggestions on how to make the community more engaging, feel free to submit them in Ideas, we've made a new "Community" tag. 

Experienced Driver

Hi @Ikenna , nice podcast. The human race often vastly over complicate an issue/problem and most of the time it can be a simple fix. Having trained 100’s of engineers during my career, when a problem was encountered they would typically over complicate it, rather than going back to basics and ‘turning the switch on’. 
The new ‘Community’ tag looks interesting, I’ll put my thinking cap on.


Any updates on this issue? I have a ferry trip coming up shortly here in British Columbia and I'd like to know if I'm going to have to stay in the car to prevent the alarm from repeatedly triggering. 

Learner Driver

I, too, have the same issue when my dogs are in the car. This issue did fixed by an update for a minute in the US, however, a few updates later, the issues with the motion sensor not staying off and ignoring the response when it asks if you wants the motion sensors turned off has given my dogs PTSD. They no longer look forward to getting in the car. 


While I appreciate that the updates are supposedly making things better, the fact that I have to check that every setting hasn't been changed is getting annoying.