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New Driver
Status: Accepted

Currently I only have the option to precondition my Mach-E on a set schedule.  It would be really helpful to be able to precondition the car on an ad-hoc basis as well, similar to how I can remote start the car to warm the cabin.  As it stands, I need to add a scheduled departure and remember to delete it again afterwards.

Status changed to: Investigating
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You would still have to be plugged in to pre condition as it would use quite a bit of battery power and could take a while to pre condition.


I honestly think the pre condition thing to be a myth and not really worth it in over 6 years of ev ownership having owned a few different makes of ev’s I’ve never pre conditioned any of them and didn’t notice any loss of range or battery degradation at all.






New Driver

In my case this feature would be most useful when I'm at home, where the car will usually be plugged in already.


From what I know of battery technology it would certainly make sense for preconditioning to improve range, but this is my first EV so can't really compare with anything.  I've certainly seen a higher predicted range after preconditioning though.

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Hi @chris200100 @Mark_L , we currently have a "Start" button on the homepage of the app which also sets the car to the last used temperature.

What are your thoughts on how well or easy this is to use in terms of ad hoc preconditioning? 

Community Legend


It’s pretty easy to use in general.

As a family who has owned ev’s for a number of years both Nissan leafs and a Tesla model s and been a totally ev family, I find the Ford pass app isn’t geared up for ev’s like the others as I also own a petrol Ford when I switch between the two there isn’t much difference.

when the mach e is charging there is no charging rate displayed this is very useful.

the remote start should be renamed and have user adjustment of the heater temp or cooling.

journey logging is awful and very hit and miss.

also it’s quite hard sometimes to get it to update the car information with out unlocking or remote starting which you shouldn’t have to do. 
i do understand that it’s been done like this to help transition from petrol to ev and to make it familiar to the user but ev’s offer so much more to the user and it’s not Utilised in the app as it should.

I love the Mach e it’s a great car but the app needs reworking for a much more involved ev experience 

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@chris200100 thanks for the response and insight, it's much appreciated and has been passed on. 

If the Remote Start could be renamed, what would you suggest would work more for an EV?

Community Legend


Climate start would be a better name for remote start as that’s what it does.


A tab for the climate would also be a nice addition then the user can adjust the temperature they would like. Also both Tesla and Nissan show what the current temperature is inside the car on their apps

Status changed to: Accepted
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This is being worked on now for a future update.

New Driver

Any updates on this? It’s been half a year.  

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@akshaydv we have a new FordPass app coming, where new features like this will be deployed in future updates.