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Status: Investigating

It would be great if we could modify the scheduled charging feature, to set the time to include starting charging on the half hour not just the top of the hour. Octopus Energy offer a reduced cost tariff from 12:30-04:30 overnight and I know it frustrates PHEV owners in the UK who have that tariff that they can't fully benefit. Would be a good customer enhancement if we can deliver it easily. 


Hi there.  I know how frustrating this is as I am also a Kuga PHEV driver with Octopus Go.  As Darren mentioned earlier, this is not an app issue but it is reliant on the software in the vehicle modules which we are not able to change at the moment.  We are exploring other alternatives with utility providers and ensuring that our next generation EV products don't have the restriction in their vehicle software.  I am sorry I can't offer better news at the moment.

Experienced Driver

@mharvey7 @Thanks for the response - as you say disappointing! It’s not a major issue for the Kuga to be honest - I can fully charge it in about 4 hours on the fast charger - but it is a real pain for the Mustang Mach E - in the 5 hours I can utilise I can get about 35% charge in and since I can’t set the charge limit below 50% any time I plug in with under 20% charge I get hit with expensive charging. In 6 hours I could get a bit over 40% charge in and I will rarely arrive home with under 10% charge. I can understand that it’s not something that can be fixed in Sync 3 but the Mustang is on Sync 4 as will the new Explorer be so I’d hope there may be a fix for that ?? 🤞