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Experienced Driver

Why do people who don’t drive the car ‘regularly’ as defined by Ford not get the same quality of service as others that do? I didn’t pay less money for my car. 
I last got an update ( 3 months ago and nothing since. I’ve been out for multiple drives of over an hour or two but nothing downloads. 
Can you please define what you mean by ‘regularly’?

Can you also confirm why do all the guides state that connecting the car to wifi helps to speed up the process when in my experience it doesn’t make the slightest difference. In fact, the car doesn’t even remain connected for more than a few minutes after being powered off. 
Can a system not be offered to those of us who don’t drive as often as others to at least allow us to enjoy the same level of service? For example, allow us to download the updates via wifi like I was promised when I purchased the car over 2 years ago. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Calum80  -

the latest updates are quite large in terms of file size; this means that they need to be connected to the cloud for an appropriate amount of time for the update to fully download. Due to our latest deployment mechanisms this can be done over multiple trips which means you are not penalised but it may take longer depending on the amount of drive cycles needed. The software updates are released in batches which isn’t linked in any way to the amount of time that you use your vehicle, you should be receiving software update 4 shortly. When on Wi-Fi the vehicle will go into sleep mode to preserve the battery so generally, we find the updates deliver best over cellular whilst being driven.


Hi @Calum80   Everything Darren says is correct.  I'm surprised though that you're not getting the updates based on your explanation and the time elapsed.  Would you like me to take a closer look ? I still have your VIN in my private messages.

Experienced Driver

Hi @Rob  If you could have another look for me I’d appreciate it. 

I’ve just presumed it’s been a mixture of being a 21 model year and maybe the cellular network not being as good in Scotland. 

I’d like to avoid going back to a dealer as the issues with 1.7.1 that I had previously took about 8 months to sort out!




Hi @Calum80 , the team took a deep look at your vehicle and have restarted your OTA deployments.  I will explain more in a private message to you.

New Driver

My mustang is stuck with updates, it never finds any, I'm stuck at, I can't even delete the warning  ,The machine is connected to WiFi, seeing that the others arrive with 6.x is absurd.

Mile Burner

I drive my car Daily not far about 20 km we do longer trips at the weekend i have had the car about a month and a Half and driven 2300km so far i got 5.1.1 on the 30 nov and nothing since, if These updates bring enhancements and better usage then is it not fair we all get them , my car is parked up at home every night and connects to my home network but that does not make any difference 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, please direct message your VIN - we will take a look 

Learner Driver

I have not received any updates yet, and it always shows that no updates are available. I am using version 4.x.x, but I can't exactly see which version is currently installed. I would really appreciate it if I could receive the updates as well, to be up to date.

New Driver

hello, I'm also stuck on since December 21st. Will anyone be able to check with my VIN?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, please direct message your VIN - we will take a look